Frequently Asked Questions about Virtual Visits

About virtual visits

What is a telemedicine virtual visit?

Telemedicine uses a video conferencing platform, much like Skype or FaceTime, 连接服务提供者和不同地点的患者进行门诊预约. 病人对这种治疗方式非常满意,大多数人会把它推荐给他们的朋友和家人.



"远程保健"被更广泛地定义为利用通过电子通信交换的医疗信息,可能包括电话或"纯音频"服务, secure email or other methods of transmission.

What are the benefits of a telemedicine virtual visit?

远程医疗的虚拟访问允许患者在舒适的家中获得护理, 省去了亲自拜访的时间和费用. By seeing your provider from home, 你正在限制你的接触,并帮助减缓COVID-19的传播.

What are the limitations of a telemedicine virtual visit?

During a telemedicine virtual visit, 您的连接或软件可能会遇到技术困难. If this happens, 您或您的医疗服务提供者可以决定停止远程医疗访问,而是通过电话联系. 重要的是要记住,如果你选择使用你的移动电话运营商的数据, depending on your phone plan, you may incur data usage fees.

Is telemedicine safe and secure?

远程医疗已经使用了几十年,是一种安全且经济有效的医疗预约方式. 远程医疗与面对面的医疗保健服务一样,遵守同样的隐私规则和条例. 我们的远程医疗技术安全可靠,并符合HIPAA标准.

During the COVID-19 emergency, 政府法规允许使用一些不符合HIPAA的视频会议平台. We are continuing to use our standard secure and HIPAA compliant tools to the greatest extent possible; however, 扩大我们的能力,为我们的病人提供尽可能广泛和高效的远程医疗服务, we may introduce other platforms. In this case, 请放心,我们将尽我们所能保护您的隐私,并将始终遵守现行的政府法规.

Are interpreter services available for virtual visits?

Yes. If you or a family member need interpreting services, they will be made available to you, with an interpreter participating in your video visit. 在预约的时候一定要让日程安排人员知道,并注意你的语言偏好. This also applies to members of our deaf community.

What if my condition requires an in-person visit?

If, after your virtual visit, 你的医生决定你需要亲自去看医生, 办公室的工作人员会和你一起找一个方便的时间让你进来.



Setting up appointments

How do I get a telemedicine appointment?

我们的许多医疗服务提供者都提供远程医疗预约. To schedule an appointment, 您可以与您的医疗服务提供者办公室联系,就像您亲自预约一样.

What kind of technology do I need?

  • 您可以在家使用智能手机参加我们的医生或供应商的远程医疗预约, tablet, laptop, or computer.
  • 确保你的设备有内置摄像头/麦克风或其他可以连接的摄像头/麦克风.
  • Preferred internet connections:
    • Wired Ethernet (cable plugged into a router or wall jack)
    • WiFi (wireless network in-home or office)
    • Cellular Network: 5G recommended; 3G or 4G not recommended unless the only option available

To get ready for your virtual visit you will:

  1. 下载Zoom,一个免费的,易于下载,并且100%隐私兼容的软件.
  2. 如果您使用的是移动设备或iPad/平板电脑,请下载myChart.
  3. At the time of your visit, log in to your myDH portal, find the visit in your appointments list, click Details and then click Video Visit. This will place you in a virtual waiting room, 您将在哪里等待您的供应商与您联系,并通过视频聊天, just like you would in a Skype or FaceTime session.

What if I don’t have a myDH portal?

We strongly recommend you sign up for a myDH account. 有了myDH,你可以提前登记预约, request medication refills, access your medical record and billing information, and communicate with your healthcare team.

The process to create a myDH account is quick and easy.

如果我没有合适的技术或网络连接怎么办? Is there a telephone office visit option?

我们致力于在任何可能和临床适当的情况下提供远程医疗保健,以保证患者和工作人员的安全. 如果您无法通过视频连接,您的提供商也可以提供电话办公室访问选项.

How do I get the software?

只要你的远程医疗预约被你的医生办公室安排好, 下载软件和连接预约的说明将在您的myDH帐户中提供, 连同预约通知和任何其他文件,可能需要在您的预约时间.


If you do not have a myDH account, you can also find the instructions for preparing for a telemedicine appointment on our website.

What if I have trouble or need assistance?

我们有专门的技术支持线来帮助患者进行远程医疗预约. If you need help, please call our Telehealth Technology Help Line at 603-650-0499, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.


Does my health insurance cover telehealth?

Please note that during the COVID-19 emergency, there are special waivers expanding telehealth coverage. Under usual circumstances, Medicare, New Hampshire, and Vermont Medicaid, 而且大多数商业健康保险计划*涵盖了许多远程医疗服务. For Medicare, 有一些与您的居住地和接受远程医疗护理的合格地点相关的限制(例如, 医疗保险病人在家的远程医疗预约通常不包括在内). 提供者可通过远程保健提供何种服务可能存在限制.

How do I know if I am covered?
